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更新时间:2024-10-28 10:06:07 人气指数:

What does "recognize" mean in English?

Recognize is a commonly used word in the English language. It has multiple meanings and can be used in various contexts. Let"s explore the different meanings and translations of "recognize".

1. To acknowledge the existence or validity of someone or something

When we say "recognize" in this sense, it means to acknowledge or admit the existence, validity, or truth of someone or something. For example, if you recognize someone"s achievements, you are acknowledging and appreciating their accomplishments. In this context, "recognize" can also mean to accept something as true or valid.

2. To identify or know someone or something

Another meaning of "recognize" is to identify or know someone or something. When you recognize a person, you are able to remember and identify them because you have seen or met them before. Similarly, recognizing an object or place means that you are able to identify it based on your previous knowledge or experience.

3. To give formal acknowledgement or praise

"Recognize" can also be used in a formal context, such as a ceremony or event, to give acknowledgement or praise to someone"s achievements, contributions, or qualities. This formal recognition can be in the form of awards, certificates, or public statements. It is a way of showing appreciation and honoring someone for their accomplishments.

4. To show appreciation or gratitude

In a more informal context, "recognize" can be used to express appreciation or gratitude towards someone. It can be a way of acknowledging someone"s efforts, kindness, or support. For example, you might say "I recognize and appreciate all the hard work you have put into this project."

Translation of "recognize" in different languages

Now, let"s take a look at how "recognize" is translated into a few different languages:

- Spanish: reconocer

- French: reconnaître

- German: erkennen

- Italian: riconoscere

- Japanese: 認識する (ninshiki suru)

In conclusion, "recognize" has various meanings in English, including acknowledging someone or something, identifying or knowing someone or something, giving formal acknowledgement or praise, and showing appreciation or gratitude. It is a versatile word that is used in different contexts and can have multiple translations in other languages.



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