What is the meaning of "sufficient"?
Sufficient is an adjective that means enough or adequate. It refers to having or providing as much as is needed to fulfill a particular purpose or requirement.
How can "sufficient" be used?
The word "sufficient" can be used in various ways:
- When it comes to resources or supplies, "sufficient" indicates having enough of something. For example, "We have sufficient food to last us through the winter."
- In terms of information or evidence, "sufficient" suggests having enough evidence or substantiation to support a conclusion. For instance, "The prosecution presented sufficient evidence to convict the defendant."
- When discussing abilities or skills, "sufficient" denotes having enough competence or proficiency to perform a task adequately. For example, "She has sufficient knowledge and skills to excel in her job."
- In the context of time or duration, "sufficient" signifies having enough time to complete a task or meet a deadline. For instance, "We need to allocate sufficient time to finish the project."
What are some common phrases or expressions using "sufficient"?
- "Sufficiently skilled": This phrase refers to having enough expertise or proficiency in a particular field or area.
- "Sufficiently prepared": This expression indicates being adequately ready or equipped for a specific situation or event.
- "Sufficiently funded": This phrase suggests having enough financial resources or funding to carry out a project or initiative.
- "Sufficiently motivated": This expression denotes having enough drive or determination to achieve a desired goal or outcome.
What are some synonyms of "sufficient"?
Some synonyms of "sufficient" include:
- Adequate
- Enough
- Ample
- Competent
- Suitable
What are some antonyms of "sufficient"?
Some antonyms of "sufficient" include:
- Insufficient
- Inadequate
- Deficient
- Lacking
- Unsatisfactory
Sufficient is a versatile word that signifies having enough or being adequate. It can refer to resources, evidence, skills, or time. By using "sufficient" appropriately, we can convey the idea of having what is necessary to meet a particular need or requirement.
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