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更新时间:2023-12-18 12:45:05 人气指数:

What Does "Tenth" Mean?

Have you ever come across the word "tenth" and wondered what it means? Let"s delve deeper into the meaning and significance of this word.

What is the definition of "tenth"?

"Tenth" is a numerical term that represents the number positioned at the point in a sequence that follows the ninth element. It is derived from the cardinal number "ten," which is the base of our decimal system.

How is "tenth" used in mathematics?

In mathematics, "tenth" is used to indicate one of the ten equal parts into which a whole is divided. For example, if you have a pie divided into ten slices, each slice would represent a tenth of the whole pie.

What about "tenth" in fractions?

In fractions, "tenth" refers to the numerator, indicating that the fraction represents one part out of ten equal parts. For instance, if you have a fraction like 1/10, the number 1 represents one-tenth of the whole quantity.

Can "tenth" be used in ordinal form?

Yes, "tenth" can also be used as an ordinal number to denote the position of an item in a sequence. For example, if you are participating in a race and cross the finish line after nine other participants, you would be in the tenth position.

What are some practical examples of "tenth"?

Understanding the concept of "tenth" is essential in various real-life scenarios. For instance, when calculating interest rates, knowing that a tenth of a percent represents a smaller increment than a whole percent can be significant. Moreover, when dividing a group of items into equal portions, such as sharing a pizza or splitting the bill among friends, the notion of a tenth can be quite handy.

Are there any idiomatic expressions or sayings related to "tenth"?

While "tenth" may not have many idiomatic expressions associated with it, there is a common saying: "Give someone the benefit of the doubt." This phrase implies that instead of immediately assuming someone is guilty or wrong, you should consider the possibility that they may be innocent or right.


In conclusion, "tenth" is a numerical term that represents one out of ten equal parts. It is used in mathematics, fractions, and ordinal sequences. Understanding the concept of "tenth" is essential in various practical scenarios, and it can provide valuable insights in everyday life.



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