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更新时间:2023-12-05 10:09:05 人气指数:

What is Terminal in English?

Terminal is a commonly used word in the field of technology and computing. In simple terms, it refers to a text-based interface used to communicate with a computer system or execute commands. But how should we pronounce the word "terminal" in English?

How to Pronounce "Terminal" in English?

The word "terminal" is pronounced as /ˈtɜːrmɪnəl/ in English. The stress falls on the second syllable, and the "i" in the second syllable is pronounced as a short "i" sound, as in "sit" or "hit". The "a" in the first syllable is pronounced as a short "e" sound, as in "tell" or "well".

Why is Correct Pronunciation Important?

Correct pronunciation is important for effective communication. Pronouncing words accurately helps ensure that others can understand you easily. It also demonstrates your language skills and can make you more confident when speaking or discussing technical topics related to terminal and computing.

Common Mistakes in Pronouncing "Terminal"

Some common mistakes made when pronouncing "terminal" include stressing the wrong syllable, pronouncing the "i" in the second syllable as a long "e" sound, or pronouncing the "a" in the first syllable as a long "a" sound. These mistakes can lead to misunderstandings or confusion during conversations.

Tips for Improving Pronunciation

If you want to improve your pronunciation of "terminal" or any other English words, here are a few tips:

  • Listen to native English speakers or audio recordings to familiarize yourself with the correct pronunciation.
  • Practice speaking the word aloud and pay attention to the stress, vowel sounds, and syllable divisions.
  • Use pronunciation guides or online resources that provide audio examples to compare your pronunciation with.
  • Seek feedback from English speakers or language instructors to help identify areas for improvement.


Pronouncing "terminal" correctly as /ˈtɜːrmɪnəl/ is essential for effective communication and demonstrating language proficiency. By following the correct pronunciation guidelines and practicing regularly, you can confidently use the word "terminal" in English conversations related to computing and technology.



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