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当前位置:主页 > 网站目录 > towards短语搭配_toward的短语搭配


更新时间:2023-11-11 22:09:06 人气指数:

What are the different phrases that can be used with "towards"?

Towards is a versatile preposition that can be used in various contexts to indicate direction, progress, or attitude. Here are some common phrases that are often used with "towards":

How is "towards" used to indicate direction?

When used to indicate direction, "towards" shows movement or orientation in a specific direction. For example:

- The car was driving towards the city center.

- She walked towards the beach, enjoying the cool breeze.

- The hiker climbed towards the mountain peak.

How is "towards" used to indicate progress?

"Towards" can also be used to show progress or movement in a particular direction. It implies a continuous effort or advancement. For example:

- The country is taking significant steps towards economic development.

- The project is moving towards completion.

- She is working hard towards achieving her goals.

How is "towards" used to indicate attitude or opinion?

"Towards" can also be used to express an attitude, opinion, or feeling towards someone or something. It represents the way someone feels or thinks about a situation or person. For example:

- She has a positive attitude towards challenges.

- The team showed a hostile attitude towards their opponents.

- He has strong feelings towards environmental conservation.

Can "towards" be used in figurative or abstract contexts?

Yes, "towards" can be used in figurative or abstract contexts to depict non-literal movement or progress. It can be used to describe someone"s approach or involvement in a certain area. For example:

- The company is working towards creating a more inclusive work environment.

- She is taking steps towards self-improvement.

- The government is directing its efforts towards poverty alleviation.

Are there any other phrases similar in meaning to "towards"?

Yes, there are several other phrases that can be used interchangeably with "towards" in most contexts. These include "in the direction of," "heading for," "approaching," and "on the way to." However, it"s essential to consider the specific context and choose the phrase that best conveys the intended meaning.



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